I decided I wanted a large family name sign in our home. At first I thought I would add our names, but then it came to me when I saw or heard something. I decided to go with “where life begins and love never ends”. Thought it was very fitting for our home.

I had been playing around with a few different styles of flowers and I happen to like this painted look with the lines around it to give it that little something extra. I decided to go with blues, yellows and greens to match my newer curtains. I have been wanting to bring more color into my home. They say that brighter colors enhance moods.

Shortly after sharing my new sign on social media I had someone want one for their home. It’s truly special when someone tells you they have been searching for a long time for that one special sign for their home and this was it. I was so glad I could create something that would bring such joy to someone’s home. That really means a lot to me.