I have been creating now for almost three years. It all started with a, “Hey… I can make that”. My husband said yea, go for it. So we went and got some wood, paint, and I made it. Then from there I tried more things, and bought more craft supplies, and tried this and that. I’ve always loved creating and often you would find me drawing or doodling in class. My mother and grandmother would often tell me (especially when we went to craft fairs) that I could paint this and I could draw that.

I’ve never had much self confidence in myself. I still second guess some things I make, even the popular sunflower stove tops I’ve made well over 100 now and you will find me saying I’m not sure this turned out okay. I’m not sure why I have such self doubt, but it may come form knowing how harsh and cruel the world can be. Specially if you are gonna put your self out there on social media.

I’m really thankful and grateful that my husband encouraged me to go after a passion of mine I’ve had for so long. I’m also proud of myself for how far I have come. I have tried many things and I have even painted items I thought I never would be able to do. I still can’t believe I pulled off painting any of the pet portraits I have or even the small tiny house portraits. Gosh though… I would have never known I could have done that if I didn’t give it a try.

All it takes is for one person to ask me if I can do something and I will think to myself yea right that sounds so hard, but… I end up telling them I’m willing to give it a shot. So I try it and then they like it and that gives me some confidence to try again and again. The more I do something the better I get at it. As with anything in life. Just look at those cats I painted above! I still can’t believe I painted them!
As I look back through some previous items I’ve created over the past three years I am truly astonished at how many items I have created. How many of my handmade items have gone off to live in someone else’s home. I currently have made it to 46 states and Canada! I’ve been looking into how to expand to ship internationally, but that’s a whole other venture to look into.
As I sit and reflect on the past years I’ve been creating I think to myself how proud I am of myself. That’s a true first for me. Sure, there’s been a few items that I’ve been like wow I did good. But, to actually sit and think of all I have done… it’s truly amazing to me. I have created hundreds of pieces. Too many to count (though I do keep better track now) with just the past two weeks creating more then 3 dozen items and counting. Like how has this become my life?
I am just so proud of myself. Finally.

As with anything you turn into a business it can get tiring. So much goes into owning your own business…so much. Sometimes everyone likes to order all at once…LOL…so I will be working day and night to get orders in what I feel is a timely manner. Sometimes people can be cruel online (it’s honestly rare for me but when it happens it does hurt bad) and you don’t want to show up, but with a passion like I have for what I do, I always persevere.
At the end of the day I wouldn’t trade it in for anything though. I’ve found something that I love to do and it’s something just for me. That can be hard to find in life. When you find it, be sure to never let it go!

I honestly wouldn’t be able to do what I love to do with out everyone who supports me. So I THANK YOU! It’s a true blessing to be able to create art and have people who love it enough to buy it. The honestly best part of what I do is knowing that it brings joy to others. Whether it’s seeing my artwork online or being able to have a piece of it to have in their home, or to give to a loved one.
SEE some of my previous work in the gallery here.
SHOP my artwork here.
READ more blog posts here.